The natural limescale content in drinking water is good for both taste and health

Limescale is pure nature and an essential part of our drinking water. Although one may want to avoid deposits in pipes and installations, one should not alter the natural lime content in drinking water. Lime is important for both health and the good, natural taste of drinking water.

Limescale is important for building strong bones and teeth

Limescale is important for health

There are many reasons why lime, primarily composed of minerals like calcium carbonate, is crucial for health:

Dental and bone health: Calcium plays a crucial role in the formation and maintenance of teeth and bones.

Blood coagulation: Calcium also plays a role in blood coagulation and helps prevent excessive bleeding when injuries occur.

Nerve function: Calcium contributes to the transmission of nerve signals and muscle contractions.

Cell function: Calcium serves as a signaling molecule in various cellular processes.

Heart function: Calcium is necessary for the contraction of heart muscles.

Therefore, calcium is vital for health, and it's a good idea to include calcium-rich foods in the diet and preserve the lime in drinking water. Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are good sources of calcium. Vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fish are also good sources.

The form of calcium found in limescale is not as easily absorbed by the body as the calcium found in calcium-rich foods. Therefore, to achieve optimal health, it is recommended not only to rely on the minerals in lime in drinking water but also to obtain calcium from a well-balanced diet.

Limescale is important for taste

The limescale in drinking water helps give it a good and natural taste. When cooking or brewing coffee, the minerals in lime are also crucial flavor carriers. Without lime, everything becomes a bit duller and tastes less natural.

Here are a few reasons why calcium can be perceived as a flavor enhancer in drinking water:

Mineral content: Calcium is one of the essential minerals found in natural water sources, and the mineral content can give the water a more "full-bodied" or "rounded" taste.

Flavor carrier: Calcium is a good flavor carrier, allowing the full aroma of, for example, coffee or tea to unfold. Beverages or foods prepared with water taste better when there is calcium in the water.

Mouthfeel: Calcium can contribute to the mouthfeel of water. It can give the water a smoother or silkier texture, which affects and enhances the overall drinking experience.

Masking unpleasant tastes: Calcium can help mask or balance other tastes or odors in the water, making it more palatable.

Water taste is subjective, and the overall mineral composition of the water can affect how individuals perceive the taste. Many people find that drinking water tastes soapy or flat when using water treatment systems with chemicals. One of the advantages of the BIOCAT lime protection system is precisely that no salt or other chemicals are added. With BIOCAT, one does not alter the natural composition of the water—on the contrary, it preserves the most natural taste.