Improved operational economy and drinking water hygiene

In mid-May 2021, St. Vinzenz Hospital in Köln-Nippes put the newly installed scale protection system BIOCAT KS 5D into operation. The chemical-free technology from WATERCryst will henceforth protect the water system in the main building of the national hospital from scale damage. Additionally, the new DVGW-certified system will contribute to important hygiene prophylaxis. Scale deposits in pipes create a biofilm that provides perfect conditions for the spread of legionella. By preventing scale buildup, a BIOCAT system also eliminates the risk of legionella in the hospital.

In good hands at St. Vinzenz Hospital

The decision to choose a new scale protection system was necessary as the ongoing repair and service costs for the existing softening system had become too high – over time, the system had become unprofitable. Simultaneously, hospital management was and is very focused on promoting sustainability, making it crucial to find technology that does not involve the use of chemicals. Dieter Hellingrath, Head of Construction and Technology at St. Vinzenz Hospital, says, "We uphold the principle that each individual should always be in good hands with us. That principle characterizes us – and describes the responsibility we have for our patients. We see drinking water hygiene as part of this – and as an important contribution to our constant efforts to ensure the highest possible patient safety."

Endnu et ionbytter-anlæg eller en kemifri løsning? 

At the beginning of the planning process, the focus was on whether the unprofitable softening system should be replaced by a new ion exchange system or if an alternative, chemical-free scale protection technology should be used in the future. The requirements for the new system were clear: "In our main building, we have an annual water consumption of around 17,500 m3 and a water hardness of 20dH. If we continue to add salt to soften the water, we will inevitably negatively impact the drinking water quality – which we do not want," explains Dieter Hellingrath from St. Vinzenz Hospital about the central requirements.

Direct comparison of two technological solutions

For the financial management of St. Vinzenz Hospital, the direct comparison of acquisition and operating costs between the two possible technological solutions is a very important aspect. Torsten Schmidt, Sales Manager at WATERCryst, says, "Taking into account acquisition costs, commissioning costs, electricity, and water consumption, as well as maintenance and inspection dates, we can calculate reliable figures and provide a fair and transparent comparison for our customers. In this context, the expenses for salt and rinse water are a significant disadvantage for ion exchange systems. For a system of this size, there is a need, in the specific task, for the hospital to annually purchase and handle 9 tons of salt."

Pays for itself in six years

Despite the higher acquisition costs of a BIOCAT system, calculations showed that the difference in operating costs was so significant that the investment in the chemical-free system could pay for itself in just six years. Additionally, there are further benefits such as long-lasting material quality, no operating costs, and no need for handling and storage space for operating materials.

Calculation example for the St. Vinzenz Hospital Project:

  • Benefits of using BIOCAT KS 5D scale protection system
  • Savings of approximately 9 tons of salt per year
  • Savings of approximately 1,000 m3 of rinse water per year
  • Consistent drinking water quality
  • No high maintenance and handling costs
  • No need for refilling and storage of salt
  • No documentation/information obligation regarding changes in drinking water

With BIOCAT KS 5D, St. Vinzenz Hospital saves 9 tons of salt and approximately 1,000 m3 of rinse water annually.

Thanks to the scale protection system, the hospital can significantly reduce both operating and maintenance costs.